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The Dangers Of Normalizing Period Pain

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Getting healthy with Dr Vignesh Devraj

In today’s lifestyle, period pain has been highly normalised and treating it through painkillers has become the norm. Unfortunately, it delays the diagnosis of dysmenorrhea or other menstrual health disorders.

Difference between regular period pain and dysmenorrhea

Periods are the shedding of your inner lining in the uterus, and cramps make sure that the entire lining leaves the body. It is common to experience mild pain and discomfort during this process. It can be a sign of dysmenorrhea if the pain is unbearable, and you need additional painkillers to get through the day, or you miss out on school or work because of the pain.

What is dysmenorrhea?

Dys - painful | meno - monthly | rrhea - flow

If you have painful monthly flow consistently, it is a sign of dysmenorrhea. It’s not okay, or advisable to bear severe menstrual pain. Conventionally, dysmenorrhea is neglected under the impression that the pain eventually reduces after the first sexual intercourse or birth of the child. While this may be true in some cases, the choice of women wanting to get married or having children should not be treated as a solution for dysmenorrhea. Getting diagnosed early can greatly improve your menstrual health, and increase the quality of your life.

A diagnosis of dysmenorrhea itself takes six to seven months because people assume period pain is normal and rely on painkillers instead of seeking to correct it. Primary dysmenorrhea is usually neglected, and secondary dysmenorrhea is diagnosed only in the later stages.

Types of Dysmenorrhea

There are two types of dysmenorrhea - primary and secondary. Primary Dysmenorrhea means there are no other underlying causes for the pain. Secondary Dysmenorrhea means there are signs of other underlying factors like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids etc.

Common Causes

Late-night sleep habits

Chronic poor gut health

Frequent travelling

Frequent stress and fear - anxiety

Unresolved emotions



Primary dysmenorrhea can be corrected just through diet and lifestyle changes. In the case of secondary dysmenorrhea, herbal treatments and Panchakarma are highly effective along with dietary and lifestyle changes. A holistic approach through Ayurveda is highly effective in treating Dysmenorrhea and providing relief.


Dr Vignesh Devraj is a fourth-generation Ayurvedic healer. He is the founder and chief physician of Sitaram Beach Retreat, Kerala – a space for authentic healing and transformation. Sitaram Ayurveda has a 100 year legacy in Ayurvedic practice and healing. He also has a weekly podcast on Ayurvedic wisdom and insights @ Ayurvedic Healing and Beyond.

You can connect with him at


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